About Us

This website was created because a small group of Christians started to study the Bible from a Jewish perspective, and we wanted to share our experience with others. After going to Jerusalem and participating in Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) our lives were changed forever.

After working through a 30-day repentance journey in 2019, this journey changed our lives in a very positive way. We were sharing what we learned in a Torah Club that was meeting once a week, and after discussing the journey, we were concerned the true Gospel message of repentance was not being preached in many churches and wanted to share the content on this website.

We want to share what we have learned from Cry For Zion, Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue, FFOZ, Joel Richardson, Lars Enarson, FAI, and from other Rabbis and Jewish Sources including Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Aleph Beta, Rabbi Richman, Manis Friedman, Chabad.org, Rabbi Alon Anava.

Thank you to all the pioneers over the last hundred years who have been working to uncover the truths of the Gospel message that Jesus taught which has been hidden for over 1700 years and is now being revealed through the Messianic Jewish movement.

Eternally in loving memory of Brenda Henney

28 Elul 5780 (9/17/2020)

Brenda's Last Sabbath Dinner 9/4/2020
Brenda’s Last Sabbath Dinner 15 Elul 5780