Jesus Said to Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

“At hand” doesn’t just mean “close,” it means “close enough to grab.” When you attend a wedding, you don’t get dressed at the event; you prepare at home and anyone who sees you knows exactly where you’re going. If you’re part of the wedding party, you’ll be sure to make a check list of things which should be taken care of before the big day. 

true biblical meaning of repentance

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) created a system called “Spiritual Accounting” which, was preserved by Rabbi Mendel Lefin (1749-1826). Colonial Christianity offers a fun and simple chart so you can share this Colonial Christian method of self-transformation with your friends and family. Those of us committed to 30-days of Repentance are going to want to create a similar chart with a little more substance. Create a grid like that on “Ben’s List,” but add any subjects or areas in life which are important to spiritual growth or decline. You can see that on the checklist we’ve created the subjects are plain for all to see. We encourage those truly committed to making repentance to use create code words for personal or shameful subjects, in this way you can be honest with successes or failures without fear. Each night, a person should take stock in the day’s activities. 

It’s important to create a list of things that you need to work on and commit to find out the impact sin has in your life. 

2 Corinthians 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”

Choose your path and position yourself for judgement. You are the only one that can make repentance work for you.

True Repentance

True repentance will lead to you gaining more of a desire, and a better understanding of God and His Kingdom here on earth. Repentance starts by making a conscious decision for obedience to God. As you grow in your understanding of exactly what God demands of you, apply what you learn. Repentance is the goal of this fallen world. We must set out to become masters of repentance before death but each at his own pace. While hesitation is not recommended, endurance is a must, so pace yourself and “run the good race,” as Paul says.

If you have spent any time searching the Word of God, then you should have some knowledge of what God’s will is – to keep His Commandments (Instructions).

We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands.” (1 John 2:3)

He is our Righteousness and We are His Repentance 

true meaning of repentance

Jesus taught that Heaven rejoices over a repentant sinner more than over one who has never sinned. The implications of this are shocking; you are the repented sinner. Christ is the righteous one without sin. That Heaven might properly rejoice over Christ, he has bound himself to repentant sinners. He is our righteousness but we are his repentance. Although he was without sin, Christ took immersion because he is bound to his people, like a head is bound to a body, “that all righteous might be fulfilled” (Matt. 3:15). It is in this same why that Paul writes,

[God] made him who knew no sin to become identified with sin on our behalf, so that we might become identified with the righteousness of God in him. (2 Cor. 5:21)

When you give yourself over to Christ, he becomes something of a (higher) second intellect. In the same way Christ gave himself over to the Father saying, “Not my will but yours be done.” When you submit your will to his, a new spiritual inelegance is gained which is called, “Holy Spirit.” In the same way that your foot is connected to your brain, you have become the “body of Christ.” Christ is united to God through the total submission and embodiment of his will and command. When all nations of the world become submitted to Christ, they join his “body.” It is true that one man’s death cannot atone for those of another, but when we die to self and choose to become his hands and feet in this world, it is no longer we who live but Christ. This was the prayer and desire of Christ before his death.   

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