When describing the spiritual world, concepts like time and space can be used metaphorically. A human being can be understood as a perfectly suited vessel or container for the presence of God.

Sin has corrupted humanity to such a degree that no room remains for God. Like a broken cup which cannot hold water or a vehicle so damaged it is no longer drivable. Repentance is the prosses of becoming a suitable vessel for God, once again. It might be that you have committed sins which you feel cannot be corrected; but if you believe that you have the power to destroy what God has created, you must also believe you can fix it. 

God created humanity from the soil, the broken down and decomposed remains of mineral, vegetable and animal elements. The bible says

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Gen. 1:26)

Who is the “us” being referred to in the verse above? Relating the plurality found in this verse to the Trinity does damage to the oneness of God. Instead, we should understand that humanity has been created with both a lower and a higher form. We have been created in the “image” of God while also being formed from the earth. The human being possesses two natures—one earthly, one divine. Through physical behaviors, a person has the ability to reveal or conceal the image of God. The full revelation of God is found in Christ.

An old parable describes a king in search of his kingdom. The image of a king, wandering about in search of a kingdom, is intentionally absurd. The position of King can only be held by the ruler of a kingdom. If there is no kingdom, there is no king. Psalm 47:2 calls God, “a great king over all the earth.” It is for this reason that the biblical “Day of Trumpets,” understood as the day of God’s royal coronation, is also celebrated as the day on which Adam was formed from clay. God became King with the creation of humanity. Bearing the image of the King, Adam was charged with governance over the “fish of the sea and birds of the air.” Everything was subjugated to Adam, but when sin came, the image of man was corrupted and dominion over creation was lost. The human body is formed from a mud of recycled elements—the mud of creation. When a person lives, governed by the body, they are literally dominated by creation. In this way, a person who has conquered the body has also conquered creation. The bible says

When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to [God] who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all. (1 Cor. 15:28)

Christ has shown us the way to subdue all of creation and to walk as children of the Great King. 

the king's crown

A Big Step in Repentance is to Take Responsibility For Our Actions

We must recognize that sin causes damage in our lives, and we will have to give an account for our actions. Here are some ways you can take responsibility:

Make A Plan!      Stay Focused!     Be Determined!

#1 Start by making a list of things you want to change

  • Here are some examples you can work on this year:
    • always be honest
    • show more mercy to others
    • be more forgiving to others
    • work on anger issues

#2 Start slow and put the things you want to change in priority

  • As an example, start a journal of when you are not being honest, and when you get angry 
  • Take the next 30-90 days to see how you do

#3 Define your destination

  • You will determine what’s working for you, and make changes if needed
  • Refine your areas

You have to protect your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth

  • Determine what is appropriate to watch on T.V. (eyes)
  • Don’t partake in listening to gossip (ears)
  • Don’t be attracted to another married person’s perfume (nose)
  • If you are angry, this is a good time to take a breath, and keep your mouth closed (mouth)

Isaiah 33:15 says, “Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil. They are the ones who will dwell on the heights…”

There also needs to be something in place to minimize your temptations. As an example, maybe you need to not hang out with certain people or make a decision not to watch certain types of T.V shows. This is all up to you on how you identify your actions and take responsibility.

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