Laws Jesus Kept

To really get to know God at an entirely new level, it is good to study these positive and negative commandments, and learn what the Rabbis teach about them. If Jesus came to your house today, this is what you should expect He would do.

The Jewish people are obligated to keep all commandments in the Torah. Non-Jewish people (Gentiles) are under a different jurisdiction. When God revealed Himself at Mt Sinai and established a new covenant with Moses and the children of Israel, He was strengthening the previous (old) covenant that was called the 7 Noahide Laws. These 7 laws were given to Noah when God made a covenant with him in Genesis 9. In the end, these 7 laws will be used to judge the entire world. Rabbis from before the time of Jesus have said, Gentiles that keep the 7 Noahide Laws are considered God Fearers.

Learn more about God’s Covenants by listening to this Podcast.

There are many scriptures that refer to God Fearers such as Psalm 115:9-13. The Apostles added 4 other commandments for Gentiles to follow in addition to these 7, and they are written in Acts 15. Here is a great 34 minute audio that explains more about these, and what is expected as a disciple of Jesus.

Below are some (not all) of the positive commandments that are in the Torah

The scriptures referenced below in the right side column are from the Tanakh which is a little different than Christian Bibles.

To believe that there is a God in existenceExodus 20:2
To know the unity of the blessed God, to believe with complete faith that He is one, without any partner of associateDeut 6:4
To love the blessed God with all one’s heart, spirit and mightDeut 6:5
To fear Hashem (means “The Name” in Hebrew)Deut 6:13, 10:20
To sanctify Hashem openlyLev 22:32
To walk in the ways of the blessed God with all ones abilityDeut 11:22
To pray every day to the blessed GodDeut 6:13, 11:13
T’fillin on one’s head/handDeut 6:8, 6:4-9, Deut 11
Tassels at the corners of their garmentsNum 15:38
To recite the Sh’ma morning and eveningDeut 6:7, Num 15:37-41
To affix a m’zuzah at the entrance of the homeDeut 6:9
To say the blessing of the grace after meals, after eating breadDeut 8:10
To learn Torah and to teach itDeut 6:7
Everyone in Jewry should write a Torah scroll for himselfDeut 13:19
To be attached to Torah scholars and their disciplesDeut 10:20
To rise up before an aged man, and to honor a Torah scholar, getting up before himLev 19:32
To have reverent fear of the SanctuaryLev 19:30, 26:2
To declare the Sabbath holy, with wordsExodus 20:8
To rest from work on the SabbathExodus 23:12
To be happy on the festivalsExodus 16:14
To clear away hametz (leavened food) on the 14th of NissanExodus 12:15
To eat matzah (unleavened bread) on the first night of PassoverExodus 12:18
To tell about the exodus from Egypt on the night of the 14th of NissanExodus 13:8
To rest from work on the first day of PassoverNum 23:7, Exodus 12:16
To count seven whole weeks from the day that the Omer was brought at the SanctuaryNum 23:15
To rest from work on the seventh day of PassoverNum 23:8
To rest from work on the festival of Shavu’othNum 23:21
To rest from work on the first day of Tishri, which is Rosh HaShanahLev 23:24
To hear the sound of the shofar on the first of Tishri, which is Rosh HaShanahNum 29:1
To rest from work on Yom KippurLev 23:32
To fast on Yom KippurLev 23:27
That a sinner should turn back from his sin, and should confess his misdeeds before the blessed GodNum 5:6-7
To rest from work on the first day of SukkothLev 23:35
To dwell in a sukkah all the seven days of the festivalLev 23:42
To take up the four species on the festival of SukkothLev 23:40
To rest from work on the day of Sh’mini Atzereth (8th day)Lev 23:36
To give charity to the poor in JewryDeut 15:8
To fulfill the words that come from one’s lips whatever he takes upon himself by a vow or an oathNum 30:3
To deal with cases of nullifying vows and oathsNum 30:3
To respect one’s father and motherExodus 20:12
To have a reverent fear of one’s father and motherLev 19:3
To marry a wife in order to be fruitful and multiply (have children)Gen 1:28
To marry a wife by kiddushine (consecration, the ceremony of marriage)Deut 24:1
To marry the wife of one’s brother who has died without childrenDeut 25:5
That a yevamah (a childless widow) should remove the shoe of the yavam (her husband’s brother) if he does not want to take her in levirate marriageDeut 25:7, 9
To circumcise every male at the age of eight daysGen 17:12
To ritually slaughter a domestic or untamed animal, or fowl, if one wished to eat of their fleshDeut 12:21
To cover the blood of the ritual slaughtering of pure kosher untamed animals or fowlLev 17:13
To accord honor to a KohenLev 21:8
That whoever ritually slaughters a pure kosher animal is to give the Kohen the foreleg, cheeks, and mawDeut 18:3
To give the Kohen the first of the woolDeut 18:4
To hallow firstborn males, the open a wombExodus 13:2
That an Israelite is to redeem his son who is a firstborn to his Israelite motherNum 18:15
To redeem a firstling male donkey for a lambExodus 34:20
To break the neck of a firstling male donkey if it has not been redeemedExodus 34:20
To separate a dough-cake from a batch of dough and give it to the KohenNum 15:20
That the Kohanim are to bless the Jewish peopleNum 6:23-26
That a Kohen is to defile himself for close kin (in attending to their burial)Lev 21:2-3
To bear affection for everyone in Jewry as for oneselfLev 19:18
To bear affection for a ger (stranger, convert, proselyte)Deut 10:19
To lend money to the poor of JewryExodus 22:24
To give a pledge (pawned) object back to its owner at the time that he needs itDeut 24:13
To release (cancel) a loan in the year of sh’mittah (release)Deut 15:2
That an owner should allow the laborer to eat of what he is working at, when it is something that grows from the groundDeut 23:25
To give the wages of a hired man on the same dayDeut 24:15
To render judgment on matters of buying and sellingLev 25:14
To return whatever one has taken in robberyLev 5:23
To return something list to a member of JewryDeut 22:1
To unload from the domestic animal of one’s fellowman that is lying under its burdenExodus 23:5
To load with one’s fellow-man to set a burden on a domestic animal or on the personDeut 22:4
To upbraid a sinnerLev 19:17
To render judgment about heritages (inheritance of landed property)Num 27:8
Of “sending away from the nest”Deut 22:7
To make a parapet about ones roof, and to remove every stumbling block and possible cause of accident from ones houseDeut 22:8
To remember the action that Amalek took against usDeut 25:17
To decimate the descendants or AmalekDeut 25:`9

Below are some (not all) of the negative commandments that are prohibitions in the Torah

Not to eat the sinew of the thigh veinGen 32:33
That hametz (leavened foods) is not to be seen in the possession of a Jew during 7 days of PassoverExodus 12:19
Not to eat hametz on PassoverExodus 13:3
To eat no mixture with hametz on PassoverExodus 12:20
To not work on the SabbathExodus 20:10
Not to go out on the Sabbath beyond the Sabbath limitExodus 16:29
To entertain no thought that there is any other god except HaShemExodus 20:3
To make no idol to worshipExodus 20:4
Not to make any idol to be worshipped by anyoneExodus 20:5
Not to bow down and prostrate oneself to an idolExodus 20:5
Not to worship an idol in the way that is unusually veneratedExodus 20:5
No to swear in the name of an idolExodus 23:13
Not to lead a town in Israel astray to worship in idolatryExodus 23:13
To eat or drink nothing from an offering to an idolExodus 34:12,15
Not to turn one’s attention to idolatryNum 19:4
To have no benefit from any decoration of an idol or from its ornamentsDeut 7:25
To have no benefit from an idol, from its offering or its attendants, or anything done on its behalfDeut 7:26
Not to intermarry with a non-Jewish personDeut 7:3
To have no mercy on idol-worshippersDeut 7:2
Not to follow the fixed customs of the heathenNum 18:3
Not to pay heed to a person prophesying in the name of an idolDeut 13:4
To entice no one in Jewry to worship an idolDeut 13:7, 12
For the enticed person to bear no affection for the enticerDeut 13:8-9
For the enticed person not to relinquish his hatred for the enticerDeut 13:8-9
Not to rescue the enticer if one sees him in danger of deathDeut 13:8-9
Not to prophesy in the name of an idolExodus 23:13
To make no gashes and incisions in one’s flesh in idol-worship or over ones dead kinDeut 14:1
Not to swear in vainExodus 20:7
Not to swear falsely over the denial of a monetary matterLev 19:11
Not to swear an oath of expression over a falsehoodLev 19:12
To kill no living human beingExodus 20:13
To kidnap no living personExodus 20:13
To steal no object or item whatever of monetary valueLev 19:11
Not to take anything in robbery from one’s fellow-man by main forceLev 19:13
Not to deny falsely anything of value owedLev 19:11
Not to wrongfully retain anything belonging to ones fellow manLev 19:13
Not to delay the payment of a hired mans wagesLev 19:13
To give no false testimonyExodus 20:13
Not to covet anything belonging to ones fellow-manExodus 20:14
Not to crave in one’s heart something that belongs to his fellow-manExodus 20:14
Not to withhold conjugal intimacy, food, or cloths from ones wifeExodus 21:10
To strike no person whateverDeut 25:3
Not to strike ones father or motherExodus 21:15
To curse no decent personLev 19:14
Not to curse ones father or motherExodus 20:17
Not to cheat one another in buying or sellingLev 25:14
Not to oppress ones fellow name with wordsLev 25:17
Not to oppress a righteous proselyte with wordsExodus 22:20
Not to wrong a righteous proselyte in matters of monetary valueExodus 22:20
Not to inflict suffering on any widow or orphanExodus 22:21
Not to demand of a borrower to pay his debt when one knows that he as not the means to payExodus 22:24
To have no part in dealings between a lender and a borrower at interestExodus 22:24
To lend nothing to a member of Jewry at interest, be it money or something to eat or anything elseLev 25:37
Not to borrow at interest from a member of JewryDeut 23:20
Not to refrain from lending money to a member of Jewry for fear of the year of sh’mittah (release)Deut 15:9
Not to demand payment of a loan over which the seventh year has passedDeut 15:2
Not to take in pledge (pawn) any utensils with which sustaining food is madeDeut 24:6
Not to take in pledge (pawn) by main force from a debtorDeut 24:10
Not to take in pledge (pawn) the garment of a widowDeut 24:17
Not to withhold from its owner an object taken in pledge at the time that he needs itDeut 24:12
Not to harden ones heart and not to shut ones hand toward a poor manDeut 15:7
Not to curse a judgeExodus 22:27
Not to appoint a judge who is unsuitableDeut 1:17
For a judge not to hear the argument of one party to a lawsuit when the other party is not thereExodus 23:1
Not to have pity on a poor man in a court trialExodus 23:3, Lev 19:15
For a judge not to pervert justice for a sinner on account of his wickednessExodus 23:6
For a judge not to pervert justice for a proselyte or an orphan Deut 24:17
To commit no injustice in rendering judgmentLev 19:15
To show no honor to an eminent man in a court judgmentLev 19:15
For a judge to accept no brideExodus 23:8
That the judge should have no fear of a party to a lawsuitDeut 1:17
To establish nothing as certain by the word of one witnessDeut 19:15
For the court not to accept the testimony of a close relativeDeut 24:16
For the court not to accept the testimony of a man of sinExodus 23:1
Not to cause ones fellow man to stumble over anythingLev 19:14
Not to tell anyone things that another person said against himLev 19:16
Not to hate in ones heart any decent personLev 19:17
Not to shame ones fellow manLev 19:17
Not to take revenge from ones fellow manLev 19:18
To harbor no hatred in one heart toward our fellow manLev 19:18
Not to refrain from rescuing ones fellow man from dangerLev 19:16
To do no wrong with any measures or weightsLev 19:35
Not to retain in ones possession any short defective measure or weightDeut 25:13-14
Not to encroach beyond a neighbor’s boundary specifically in the Land of IsraelDeut 19:14
To eat no n’velah (dies of itself – anything that was not killed in a kosher way)Deut 14:21
To eat no t’refah (torn of beasts)Deut 22:30
To eat no forbidden fat (ox or sheep or goat)Lev 7:23
To eat no blood at allLev 7:26
To eat no limb or part of a living creatureDeut 12:23
To cook no meat in milkExodus 23:19
To eat no meat that was cooked with milkExodus 34:26
To eat no meat from non-kosher domestic or untamed animalsLev 11:4
Not to eat non-kosher fowlLev 11:13
Not to eat non-kosher fishLev 11:11
To eat no winged swarming creatureDeut 14:19
To eat no swarming creature of the groundLev 11:41
To eat no worms of fruits or seedsLev 11:42
To eat no swarming creature of the waterLev 11:43
To eat no remmess (creeping thing)Lev 11:44
To eat no bread from the new crop of grain before the Omer offering [was brought at the Sanctuary]Lev 23:14
To eat no kali (which means grains of the five species that were roasted in the fire) from new grain, before the Omer offeringLev 23:14
To eat no karmel (meaning that it was crushed by hand and not roasted in the fire) from new grain before the Omer offeringLev 23:14
To eat no hametz (leavened food) on the day before Passover, after noonDeut 16:3
To eat no fruit of a tree in the first three years since its plantingLev 19:23
Not to eat the kind of food eaten by a wayward and rebellious sonLev 19:26
Not to sow two kinds of seeds in a fieldLev19:19
Not to slay ritually both a pure [kosher] animal and its young in one dayLev 22:28
Not to redeem the firstling of a pure [kosher] animalNum 18:17
Not to be in close contact with consanguineous relationship, even without conjugal intimacyLev 18:6
Not to uncover the nakedness of ones father in homosexual intimacyLev 18:7
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones motherLev 18:7
Not to be conjugally intimate with the wife of ones father Lev 18:8
Not to be carnally intimate with ones father brother on homosexualityLev 18:14
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones daughter in law, which means his sons wifeLev 18:15
To have no carnal intimacy with a maleLev 18:22
To have no carnal intimacy with an animal in a male active role, or in a female, receptive roleLev 18:23
That a woman should not have an animal be carnally intimate with her, whether in natural unnatural intimacyLev 18:10
Not to be conjugally intimate with the daughter of one son, not to be conjugally intimate with the daughter of ones  daughterLev 18:17
Not to be conjugally intimate with one daughterLev 18:17
Not to be conjugally intimate with a woman and her daughterLev 18:17
Not to be conjugally intimate with a woman and her sons daughterLev 18:17
Not to be conjugally intimate with a woman and her daughter’s daughterLev 18:17
Not to be conjugally intimate with a married womanExodus 18:20
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones aunt, which means the wife of ones fathers brother Lev 18:14
Not to be conjugally intimate with the wife of ones brother, whether from the same father or the same mother, and even a brother through a parents immoral relationsLev 18:16, Deut 25:9
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones sister, whether from the same father or the same mother, and even a brother through a parents immoral relationsLev 18:19
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones sister who is his father’s wife daughter Lev 18:11
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones fathers sisterLev 18:12
Not to be conjugally intimate with ones mothers sisterLev 18:12
Not to be conjugally intimate with the sister of ones wife during his wife’s lifetimeLev 18:18
Not to be conjugally intimate with a woman ritually unclean from the mensesLev 18:19
Not to be conjugally intimate with a k’deshah without the marriage ceremony of consecrationDeut 23:18
Not to take back ones divorced wife once she has been married to another manDeut 24:4
That the wife of a dead man without  children is not to marry an outsider [someone other than the mans brother]Deut 25:5
That no man with crushed testes or severed membrum is to marry a daughter of a JewDeut 23:20
That a mamzer (bastard) is not to marry a daughter of a JewDeut 23:3
That a Kohen is not to marry a zonah (non Jew or has been intimate with someone she was forbidden to marry)Lev21:7
That a Kohen should not marry a profaned womanLev 21:7
That a Kohen is not to marry a divorced womanLev 21:7
That a Kohen is not to become defiled by a dead personLev 21:1
Not to mate a beast or a bird with a creature not of its own speciesLev 19:19
[Any animal whose testicles were] squashed, crushed, pulled out, or severed, you shall not offer up to the Lord, and in your land, you shall not do [it] Lev 22:24
To make no image of a human being, even for ornamentation (as art)Exodus 20:20
To make no oil like the anointing oilExodus 30:32
Not to reproduce the composition of the incenseExodus 30:37-38
To do no work on the first day of PassoverLev 23:6-7
To do no work on the seventh day of PassoverLev 23:8
To do no work on the festival of Shavu’othLev 23:21
To do no work on Rosh HaShanahLev 24-25
To do no work on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement)Lev 23:28
To eat and drink nothing on Yom KippurLev 23:29
To do no work on the first ay of SukkothLev 23:35
To do no work on Sh’mini Atzereth (the Eight Day of Assembly)Lev 23:36
To do nothing whatsoever from which there can result hillul Hashem, a desecration of the Divine nameLev 23:32
Not to go straying after the thought of the heart and the sight of the eyesNum 15:39
To destroy no holy thing and to erase no names whatsoever among the holy names of GodDeut 12:4
Not to deviate from the words of the great Beth Bin (the supreme religious court)Deut 17:11
To add nothing to eh mitzvot of the TorahDeut 13:1
To take nothing away from the mitzvoth of the TorahDeut 13:1
To make no paving stone in order to bow down to the ground on it, even to the blessed GodLev 26:1
To erect no pillar anywhere at allDeut 16:22
To inscribe no tattooed marks in ones fleshLev 19:28
To produce no baldness over ones dead [near kin]Duet 14:1
To practice no auguryLev 19:26
To do no conjuring or soothsayingLev 19:26
To practice no divinationDeut 18:10
To practice no sorceryDeut 18:10
To cast no charms or spellsDeut 18:10-11
To do no act of an ov (a kind of medium)Lev 19:31
To do no act of a yid’oni ( a kind of wizard)Lev 19:31
To make no inquiry of an ovDeut 18:10-11
To make no inquiry of a yid’oniDeut 18:10-11
To make no inquiry of the deadDeut 18:10-11
Not to prophesy falsehood in the name of HashemDeut 18:20
Not to shave the temples of the headLev 19:27
Not to mar [razor-shave] an edge of the beardLev 19:27
That a man’s garment etc., should not be on a womanDeut 22:5
That a man should not wear a woman’s garmentDeut 22:5
Not to plow with an ox and donkey together Deut 22:10
To wear no garment of wool and linenDeut 22:11
Not to turn a blind eye to the lost object of a Jew, to leave itDeut 22:1, 3
Not to leave the animal of a Jew lying crunched under its load, and go off on ones way without helping him to unload the animalDeut 22:4
Not to fail to keep a vowNum 30:3
Not to delay ones vowed or voluntary offeringDeut 23:22
For a laborer not to eat during work on produce that grows from the ground, but only at the end of the workDeut 23:26
That a laborer is not to take away in his hand any of the produce with which he has worked, not is he to take more than what he eats and give to othersDeut 23:26
Not to prevent an animal from eating during its workDeut 25:4
That if a person chances upon a bird’s nest before him, he is not to take the mother bird with the youngDeut 22:6
Not to leave any stumbling block (source of accidents in ones house)Deut 22:8
Not to destroy any fruit-bearing tree in setting siegeDeut 20:19
Not to dwell in the land of EgyptDeut 17:16
That a ritually unclean person is not to enter the camp of the Levites, which means the Temple MountDeut 23:11
Not to forget the action of AmalekDeut 25:17. 19