7 Noahide Laws For all of humanity

The seven laws listed below are from Genesis 9:1–17, and some of them were already well established before the time of Noah. In fact, God flooded the earth because men did not follow the instructions that He gave Adam. These are universal standards that apply to every citizen of this world. If God did not give humanity a standard to follow, why would He punish man. God is a just God, and Paul said in Romans 5:13, “but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law.”

Some of these laws were taught from the time of Adam all the way through the time of Noah. According to Jewish understanding, these are incumbent on all human beings and require everyone to refrain from idolatry, blasphemy, murder, incest, stealing, consuming flesh from a living creature, and to establish justice in an orderly legal system (t. Avodah Zara 8.4; b. Sanh. 52b; Gen. Rab. 16.6). The book of Leviticus makes a similar declaration regarding strangers dwelling in the land in Leviticus 17-18, and so does the Council at Jerusalem in Acts 15:20 for the followers of Jesus.

These seven Noahide laws are considered to be general categories for all citizens of the world:

Do not profane God’s Oneness in any way (prohibition on idolatry).
Do not curse your Creator (prohibition on blasphemy).
Do not murder (includes prohibition on manslaughter and character assassination).
Do not commit sexual immorality (includes forbidden relationships defined by a nation’s standards).
Do not steal (includes prohibition on dishonesty, rape, and taking advantage of somebody else).
Do not eat a limb of a living animal (prohibition on eating something that is still alive, and do not be cruel to animals).
Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world (includes setting case precedent and jurisprudence).

These 7 laws are the foundation for all other instructions (laws) listed in the Bible. For example the 9th Commandment says, “You shall not bear false witness against your fellow”. If there are no courts established, how would someone bear false witness? Also, Paul says in Galatians 3:17, “the law… does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God”.

There are actually 613 commandments recorded in the Bible that fall under 10 categories called the 10 Commandments, and each one of them allows us to know God and understand His ways. When God revealed Himself at Mt Sinai and established a new covenant with Moses and the children of Israel, He was strengthening the old covenant.

We do not keep God’s commandments to be saved, we keep them to understand God, and we are obedient to them because we are saved.

Our job as a child of God is to protect His Covenants, and we do that by fulfilling His commandments in our life within the jurisdiction that He put us in. According to the Didache, the Apostles taught, “For if you are able to bear the entire yoke of the Lord, you will be perfect; but if you are not able to do this, do what you are able. And concerning food, bear what you are able; but against that which is sacrificed to idols be exceedingly careful; for it is the service of dead gods.” It is important to understand there are 613 ways to know God through His commandments, and they can take a life time to learn.

Learn more about God’s Covenants (including the Noahide Laws) by listening to this Podcast.

1 John 2:3 says we know God when we keep His commandments. There are different obligations (levels of liability) for Jews and for non-Jews (Gentiles) regarding which commandments they are to obey. All commandments in the Bible can be used as a reference to know God better, and through repentance we learn how to apply them in our life, and we learn if they are applicable to us. The following audio is highly recommended for a better understanding of these laws as presented by Daniel Lancaster:

noahide laws

The Path of the Righteous Gentile: A Practical Guide to the Seven Laws of Noah

Through repentance a person can transform evil miraculously into good.

A person can achieve complete repentance and is only limited by their mind and heart. If a person sincerely wishes to draw near to God, the gate of repentance is open to them and no hindrance exist which can prevent them from attaining their goal.

This book is a fascinating and well-researched work that explores the Seven Noahide Laws. It is a great resources.

This video is a great introduction to sin and repentance by Rabbi Richman.