Recommend Sources

The following are great resources we have found, that teach the Gospel Message of the Kingdom, and have impacted our lives in a tremendous way.

Recommend Books

A Messianic One-Year Bible Reading Journal

Daily Bread follows the weekly Torah Portion, one part each day, together with a healthy balance from the rest of Scripture — all in one year. More than just a one-year Bible reading plan, Daily Bread is designed as a journal, with a comprehensive Hebrew calendar. DAILY BREAD
A daily Bible reading podcast from Israel

What About The New Covenant

Messianic Judaism teaches that Yeshua did not abolish the Torah, but if that’s true, what about the new covenant? Doesn’t the new covenant of grace and faith replace the old covenant of works and law? In five engaging lectures, Torah Club author D. Thomas Lancaster digs into the Bible’s prophecies to dispel many of the common myths and misunderstandings about the new covenant.

What is the new covenant and what are its terms and conditions? The New Covenant
  • What is the new covenant and what are its terms and conditions?
  • Who is in the new covenant?
  • What’s the difference between the new covenant and the New Testament?
  • Learn about the “better promises” of the new covenant.
  • Find out how the new covenant lays the prophetic foundation for the Messianic Era, while changing our lives today.

Get ready to relearn everything you thought you knew about the new covenant!

The Day a Jew Rules the World

Joy of the Whole Earth: Jerusalem and the Future of the World

Jerusalem and the Future of the World Where Heaven meets Earth. Jerusalem is the epicenter of God’s plan for mankind, from the Garden of Eden to Paradise. Why?The Joy of the Whole Earth Lars Enarson challenges conventional paradigms, and shifts the focal point of Christian thinking for anyone willing to be confronted by the message of the Bible. He explains from the breadth of Scripture why Jerusalem should be our highest joy.


Torah is also for Christians. Biblical Christianity was originally a sect of Judaism that believed in Jesus and revered the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) as the core of her Scriptures. Restoration is a riveting argument for a return to that original, biblical expression of faith in Jesus.

Discover for yourself the profound beauty of Torah life, the cele-bration of the biblical Sabbath, and the appreciation of God’s holy festivals. Your eyes will be opened to another dimension of the faith that is beginning to re-emerge among Christians worldwide.

Lancaster answers common theological objections to the Torah while demonstrating that Christians are already keeping more of God’s Law than they realize. This thought-provoking, theological boat-rocker is a fun-to-read, inspiring journey into the world of the Bible.

From Sabbath to Sabbath

Every family and community have their own traditions, but to help explain how you can share in the appointed time, here is a simplified approach. The book, “From Sabbath to Sabbath” approaches the question of the Sabbath from a completely new Messianic Jewish perspective. Here are also 10 free audios on Sabbath from Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue. First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ a ministry based in Israel) also created a book specifically for Sabbath called The Sabbath Table Prayer Book. It is full of helpful hints to lead you through many of the Appointed Times.

Rabbi, Teach Us to Pray

In addition to praying the Lord’s prayer, here is another excellent prayer for the Restoration of Israel, along with some other great resources from FFOZ (First Fruits of Zion) for prayer.

To prepare for the Kingdom, it is very important to understand what prayer is, and how it is a part of a true worshiper of God. Jesus made a very important statement when He said to the Samaritan woman in John 4:22-23, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him”. Aaron Eby wrote a couple of books on prayer that are excellent resources called Rabbi Teach Us To Pray, and First Steps in Messianic Jewish Prayer. Both of these are very good if you want to learn more about how to pray.

Biblically Kosher

5 Minute Torah

The Forgotten Jesus: How Western Christians Should Follow an Eastern Rabbi

Recommend Videos

Why is it important to understand Rabbi Jesus from a Jewish perspective? Watch the videos below to find out:

Covenant and Controversy Part I of 3 by Frontier Alliance International

Recommend Audios

Audio Series: Romans

Daily Bread for Busy Moms

Recommend Ongoing Study

Jesus My Rabbi

Aleph Beta

Virtual Kollel

Emet HaTorah

FAI – (Frontier Alliance International)