Where We Go from Here

The content in this website was written to help those who desire God and want to know more of Him to grow to a higher spiritual level, and to assist those who are seeking after the Kingdom of God and His righteousness to understand what repentance is. Repentance is not a one-time decision, and it is not just saying “I have faith to believe Jesus died for me, so I am good to go.” As James 2:19 says

“… even the demons believe that…”  

We believe the 30-day journey was necessary to understand the true gospel which is to: repent for the Kingdom of God is near. Once you understand the Gospel from the perspective of repentance, you recognize many people are not truly repenting. The redemption plan is about unity and working together, about humanity as a whole working it out (through multiple generations), and then one day our Messiah comes and finishes up the process. We will be judged how we did based upon the choices we made during our lifetime, and how we helped in the redemption process.

After reading Day 28 and Day 29, you should understand how important it is for a person to accept what God defines as good and evil. How we accept God’s definition of good and evil determines how we make decisions. Choosing life is choosing to follow God’s instructions and applying them in your life in whatever jurisdiction you live in. Choosing death is rejecting God’s instructions.

A person’s truth today is based on the perspective and understanding they have today.

As a person gains more perspective and understanding of scripture, a person’s truth will change. Those truths will surpass previous truths (truth will always change if there is growth). When living a life of repentance, what a person believed to be truth last year could be different today. 

The primary battle in a person’s life is the progress towards knowing God; there are two forces at work that are fighting this battle: good and evil. Having a correct perspective is the key to making correction, properly repenting, gaining truths, and winning this battle.

Most people live an aimless life. The goal of repentance is to pull a person from aimlessness and give them an opportunity to gain the right perspective of God so that they can win the battle between good and evil.  

It is easy to fool ourselves and think we always know the truth.

Being able to say, “This is what I understand today!” is an example of a person humbling themselves and being willing to grow closer to God. The question always has to be, are we serving God or ourselves? 

The path of repentance is a lifelong process of truly growing to know God better. Here are a few actions that the journey of repentance should include:

  • Redeeming and rebuilding our life through growing in truth
  • Always seeking to gain a clearer perspective and understanding of God
  • Pulling ourselves from a certain way of life in order to grow and know God better (getting rid of sin in our life)
  • Transforming the sins in our life into obedience to God 
  • Living to love God and our neighbors as ourselves

Your Understanding of God is Based On Your Obedience (Fruit of Repentance)

The fruit of the repentance is you keeping the commandments as it say in 1 John 2:1-6

“He [Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments.”

As Daniel Lancaster says in his book Restoration,We do not keep God’s commandments to be saved, we keep them because we are saved.” We keep them to know God better. As Day 29 explains, God will only reveal Himself as we prove we accepted His authority, and we prove that by keeping His commandments and apply them in our life as we learn them.

Keeping God’s commandments is a journey of learning who God is. It takes God’s Spirit to empower you to keep them, and a lifetime to learn with fellow believers to understand how to apply them correctly. It is God who empowers you to be obedient as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, we are empowered by the Holy Spirt “who apportions to each one individually as He wills.” Will you be able to gain 30%, 60%, or 100% understanding in this lifetime? That is up to you based on your journey of repentance.

If you are interested in taking your repentance to the next level, and continuing with us, please submit your email here, and we will send you more information.

Daniel 12:3 says, “And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”

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Be blessed on your journey!

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